Tuesday, January 21, 2025

~A Peek Into Our Weeks

Our little family has been enjoying some cozy moments this winter.  Here are my daughters, Lauren and Megan wearing a couple of my robes, and Leo wanted to be in the picture, so Megan got him a robe to wear.  It is the little moments of everyday life that are dear to my heart.
Here is a nook in one of our cubbies that reminds us to always trust in the Lord.  When we truly place our trust in Jesus he gives us peace in our hearts no matter what circumstances we are dealing with.  It is so important that we keep our focus on Him and not the storms in our lives.

I love books so very much.  Here are some of my most cherished books.  I am so thankful for the written word.
Here is the desk in my room.  I know for some, so much decor may be a bit much, but I truly believe we should make our homes cozy for us and our family's and not worry about our decor and the scrutiny of others.  It is for us to enjoy.

This is a page in my prayer journal.  It helps me to remember to keep Jesus in the center of my life and that all things in my life truly belong to Him.  When I lay down anything in my life that has become an idol and taken my focus off of the Lord, then I can see more clearly the will of God for my life.  When we are saved by the blood of Christ our salvation was bought at a very dear price.  He gave to us everything and we should give to Him all that we have to offer.  

I want to thank you for stopping by my little space.  I hope you are enjoying some cozy winter moments.  It is always a blessing to be inside where it is warm and happy when it is cold and grey outside our door.  God bless you and keep you in His loving care.  Hugs to you.  ~Juli


  1. Aw, how sweet! Nana's bathrobes...
    I love your decor, Juli - it makes me happy. I'm glad you know it's for you and your family to enjoy.
    I like your diagram; it's so true and better for us to keep focused on the Lord and His faithfulness rather than the chaos around us. We're so blessed to have homes to make cozy and safe places.
    Lord bless you and yours~

  2. What are the books on the shelf with the candle on it? I am always looking for something wholesome to read. Thank You!

    1. Hi Jo. The books on the shelves are The Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder and The Sugar Creek Amish Mystery’s series be Guidepost and The Love Comes Softly Series. All of these books have been a blessing to my life. Take care. ~Juli
