With the New Year upon us, I have been thinking a great deal about intentionality. I think if I had to choose a word to guide my life this year it would be intentionality. For a good while now I have practiced being intentional in different areas in my life with very good success. One example was I used intentionality to help me become better with money. I created steps and systems and then watched the progress unfold. I set a monthly budget for our household account. This budget tells every dollar where to go, it is a 0 based budget. That does not mean that I spend every dollar, just that each dollar has a function in a different area of our household account. I use a check book app to keep all of the various accounts so basically it is like a virtual envelope system. You can use cash and actually use envelopes if you prefer. This is how my Mom used to do with her household account. Once I had my budget set and in place I made a system to help me in one of the areas that I needed work, that was impulse spending. I used a three ring binder and when ever there is an item that catches my eye, instead of purchasing it, I write it in my to consider section of my binder. In many cases, I will end up crossing the item off and am so very thankful I did not waste money, or valuable space in my home. If after a while I still think the item may add benefit to our lives, it can be moved onto my list of approved to purchase items. Just because an item is on my approved to purchase list, does not mean I will buy it. Just that at some point I may. By being intentional with what items I purchase, I now have a lot less trouble sticking to my budget.
I have found when I allow myself to truly take a good hard look at the areas of my life where I could use growth, and using intentional steps and systems to achieve that growth, I am progressing as a person, and it truly makes my heart happy. I hope this post may inspire some of you to do the same and make your fresh New Year intentional and one of growth. Thank you for stopping by my space. Hugs to you. ~Juli
It is really easy to waste money if we are not careful.