Lauren made her confirmation last week!
Here she is with Victor, her confirmation sponsor.
Here are three of my four children, oh how I love them so.
Confirmation is very important in our Catholic church, so my parents were sure to come. The day after all three of them were off to Florida.
Here is Lauren with her grandfather visiting the Kennedy Space Center. Lauren was so very excited to visit, because she loves anything to do with space travel.
Here is sweet little Lauren yesterday at the beach. Oh what different weather they are having than what we have right now in Kansas!
Here is Megan with her friend Kayla, they are such wonderful young ladies.
I saw this quote, I believe is from Cinderella and just loved it so very much!
I watched one of my Tasha Tudor videos. I just love her, she has passed away now, but her life was such an example of how our lives can be anything we want them to be. We can make our home lives lovely and simple even though we live in a sometimes harsh and complicated world.
As always, I have been meal planning and making home made food.
Megan and I went to breakfast last week as a special time together. I love her so.
Here is a sight you can find in our little house daily, the brewing of iced tea.
This week has had it's challenges. Justin came home from school last Friday not feeling well and was sick for four days. He ran high fever and I was so relieved when his fever broke. I think his immune system is down, and he is just catching all the germs at school. Oh how lovely it will be when the weather warms up and all this sickness is behind us. I started to not feel well, but just had a headache and no energy, so I was not near as ill as Justin. We have had some icy weather in Kansas, and boy is it cold outside. When we have weather like this, my heart is so very thankful to have a warm cozy little house. Climate control is something I am so very grateful for. Thank you for stopping by my little space, I hope you all will have a cozy weekend. Hugs to you. ~Juli
What a sweet post.