~On My Heart

With the Holiday's upon us, I have been reflecting a lot on my life's journey that I have traveled thus far. I think back to my dear childhood memories and the special times I was lucky enough to share with my loved ones. I have been thinking of how blessed I truly have been. Life has it's share of hard times for us all and each one of us has crosses that we must bear, but despite all of that, life is such a beautiful gift. I tell my children life is about choices. With each choice we make we direct how our life's journey will go. Good choices take us down a nicer path than bad ones do. We all make bad choices from time to time, but when we do we should look at them and simply try to do better in the future. We don't always have choices in the hardships that we must bear, but we do have a choice in how they will affect us. We can let them make us bitter, or we can let them make us stronger. Instead of feeling as if we were given the short end of the stick, we should turn our hearts to the many blessings that we do have. My faith is one of my greatest blessings, God's love is just such a gift. I truly believe if we walk with Jesus, and allow the Holy Spirit to enter our hearts, then our live's journey will follow the path it is meant to go. As the temperatures drop outside and winter will be upon us soon, I just feel so blessed to have our little house to keep us cozy and warm. I hope you can take a moment to count your blessings despite your hardships, so that you can focus on the beauty around you. I hope you all are doing well and just keeping a heart of gratitude as you enter into the holiday season. I love that quote, gratitude turns what we have into enough. This is just what has been on my heart today. Thank you for stopping by my space. I hope you all have a cozy day. Hugs. ~Juli
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