Friday, November 15, 2019

~A Peek Into Our Week

I decorated my planner for Christmas!  I was going to wait a while longer, but I have been so in the Christmas spirit that I couldn't resist. 
I made a few candles.  I had Christmas music playing while I made them, it was such fun, and it made our little home smell lovely!
I enjoyed watching Restort TV on YouTube live at Walt Disney World.
I have enjoyed having my twinkle lights aglow in my little kitchen. The little special things bring me such joy.
I found this little writing on line, and it really struck me as a truth.  It is in the little things we do that make up the path our life will go.  We must guard our hearts, our thoughts and our time, because it is these things that matter and can make our lives a beautiful place.
I have been enjoying melting yummy smelling wax in our little house.
I posted a new YouTube video.  It is just a short video about my new wax that I got from Zeep bath.  If you would like to view it, click on this link.
I just wanted to thank you for stopping by my little space.  I hope you all are enjoying this cozy season and keeping the joy in your lives and homes.  I think one of the things I love most is getting to have the privilege of making our family's life full of little touches that just cocoon us from the harsh outside world and gives to us a little haven of cozy.  Hugs to you. ~Juli

1 comment:

  1. Such a joy to see what you have been up to my friend! Love your planner!
