Thursday, April 9, 2020

~A Peek Into Our Week

I've been burning my Peeps candle.  I like to get this one out every Easter.  I still have a couple of back ups in my collection.
Every now and then I allow myself to read my favorite Amish fiction series.  I just love these books, so I save them as a little treat for myself.
I decorated my planner for Easter!
I have found making a daily list of things to do is such a blessing.  I like to make it the night before I go to bed, I of course look at my calendar so I don't over look anything when making it.  I find it helps me to sleep better with out thinking of what I need to do.  Even though there is less to do now, I find this is as important as ever because it gives structure to my days.
I like to take the labels off my lotion bottles that I keep in the kitchen and put a little cute sticker on them instead.  I don't like how busy the regular labels are.  I find it is in the little touches that we can make to our homes that can help keep our spirits up.
I have been staying cozy and taking quiet time each day.  This truly is a blessing.
This is a devotional that I just love to read each day.  
I put one of my favorite spring/summer candles in my little kitchen.  It just makes my heart happy.
I pray that you are all doing well.  I am trying to keep a heart of gratitude for all the gifts that God has given to us.  I find it helps my spirit to not dwell on what I don't have but rather give thanks for the things that I do have.  

Thank you for stopping by my space.  May God bless you and keep you in his care.  Hugs to you. ~Juli


  1. The Peeps Candle is our favorite!!!
    I am doing much the same as you, my dear friend.
    Making lists, lighting candles, staying cozy.
    Prayers and love from Pennsylvania!

  2. This is a relaxing read. I've not smelled the Peeps candle.
