Wednesday, May 27, 2020

~A Peek Into Our Week

We have been making some new recipes lately.  Lauren has been going on line and finding new things for us to try.  If they are something we all love, I record it into my little cookbook to keep.
Here is the recipe for Bourbon Chicken.  We use apple juice in place of the Bourbon and it is simply delicious!
I posted the recipe in case you would like to give it a try.
Here is a beautiful sunrise outside our little house. Morning is such a lovely time of day.
We have been enjoying simple lunches.  Here is some fresh mozzarella with tomato and organic spinach.  It's simple, yet very tasty.
As always my little laundry room is in use.  I am so very thankful to have our laundry room.  It is such a blessing to be able to make our clothes fresh and clean.
Here is a picture of my father working in his garden.  They grow a lot of food and then can it.  My father and Mother came up last weekend to visit us.  It was such a blessing.  We kept social distance and could not give hugs, but it did my heart good to see them.  God gave me such good parents.
Here is my calendar.  I got it from Hobby Lobby.  I love that it has inspirational words and quotes on it.
I like to turn the twinkle lights on in our little kitchen.  It just provides such a warm glow.  I know for me, the little things just make my heart happy.
I love my prayer journal.  I use it to guide my prayers and keep names of people I want to pray for.  Also I keep special prayers and special scriptures to read over.  It is a blessing to me.
It has been a good week.  My husband took  a few days off work so that he could do our taxes.  He put in many long days as the apartments he has makes them a chore to do, but it is nice to have them done.  
I hope you all are doing well.   I hope you all are having a cozy week.  Thank you for stopping by my little space.  Warm hugs to you. ~Juli

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    That recipe looks delicious! Thank you for sharing.
    I love the look of your twinkle lights. So very cozy.
    Would you believe I was just thinking about how blessed I was to be able to do laundry as we do it now?
    We are so much alike! Have a cozy day, and stay safe.
