Tuesday, June 23, 2020

~Frugal Living Journey

Today I would like to discuss some frugal living tips to help you save money and live a simple life.  I think before you embark on a frugal living journey you should look at why you are doing so.  For me money is security, and I want security more than things.  I also strive to be a good steward of the resources that God entrusts me with. I  find that my true happiness stems from the simple everyday things of life, which helps me to stay on track with this frugal journey.  I have turned budgeting into a hobby, and actually replaced my shopping hobby with budgeting.  I look daily at our bank so I know which bills are coming out and track our spending in order to see areas in which we need to rein in our spending.   I feel blessed to live in a country where our quality of life is quite beautiful.  We have running water and all the blessings that come with that.  Most of us have climate control in our homes.  I always try to keep all of our blessings in the front of my mind, so that my heart is full of gratitude.  Here are some tips that I am working on in my daily life.
~Meal plan simple meals and cook at home.
~Don't purchase it if you don't truly need it and when ever possible make due or do without.
~Don't compare  yourself to others who do not live as frugal of life styles. 
~Find creative ways to entertain yourself and your loved ones that don't cost lots of money.
~Do a budget that accounts for every dollar you bring in and give it place to go.  
~Learn to be content with what you already have.
~Organize and de-clutter so that you only keep what you truly love or use, this makes life more simple and helps in the area of contentment.  It is no fun to live in a space that is so packed full of things that you don't even know what you have.
~Read books on frugal living as well as blogs and YouTube videos.  I really like the blog gdonna.com as well as living on a dime from youTube, they also have a website called livingonadime.com  

These are just some things that I thought I would share in case you are interested in living a more frugal life.  It is something that takes effort and attention.  I am blessed enough to know quite a few people who have mastered the art of living a simple frugal lifestyle and that is a blessing to my life.  Have a cozy rest of your week and thank you for stopping by my space.  Hugs. ~Juli


  1. I looked up GDonna and she’s really good, thank you for writing about her.

    1. Your welcome! My cousin Teri shared her blog with me years ago and I have just loved reading it.

  2. A good reminder for these times. Thanks for your ideas!!

  3. Dear Juli,

    I found your blog thru your cousin Teri's blog, which I just recently discovered (and love!). Isn't Grandma Donna's blog wonderful? I've been reading her for years and she has so much useful information and calm advice. I've read back a few posts of yours and am looking forward to delving back more. It's hard to find nice blogs anymore. I especially loved your posts on childhood memories. I think we might be around the same age, as we have some shared memories! Linda Carter! Saturday morning cartoons! Peanut Buster parfaits! Do your remember when Dairy Queen used to serve sundaes in football helmets, which you could keep? I had forgotten about those until just now. My favorite cartoons were the Flintstones, the Jetsons...anything Hanna Barberra. Oh, and Scooby Doo. Also, did you have Underoos? Your post brought back lots of things that I hadn't thought of in ages. Thanks for the memories!

    xx Jen in NS

    1. Hi Jen, it's nice to have you visit my blog. I also loved the Flinststones and Jetsons. I did not have Underoos, but my cousin Kim had wonderwoman underoos and would run around in them with red rain boots and a yellow rope. LOL

    2. Ha, ha...kids always have great imaginations! I didn't have them, either. But, my younger brother had superman ones, and we thought he was so cute!

  4. What is your cousin Teri's blog?

  5. Great post. I work with a few people who are very frugal but not miserly ( a massive difference) and know first hand one can live a frugal yet beautiful life. It is a balance however as becoming miserly steals joy and damages relationships.
    I think money provides a certain amount of security but not happiness. God ultimately is our only security and if he takes money away we can still know he will provide for all of our needs.

    I love the contentment your blog exudes. It is beautiful.
