Sunday, August 9, 2020

~A Peek Into Our Week

 I enjoy sitting on my little porch and sipping on a cold drink and just enjoying the birds singing their sweet songs.

We had a lot of blueberry's so I made the children some home made blueberry muffins the other day.

Inside our little house I like to keep things cozy, so we can have a little safe haven from the outside world.  

My children and I visited Hobby Lobby.  I truly love this store.

I love to read all the little wall hangings they have, they are so sweet.

I love to look at their beautiful displays.

I purchase my stickers that I use to decorate the envelopes of the cards I send to loved ones at Hobby Lobby.

It is a quiet Sunday afternoon in our little home.  We are all taking it easy and enjoying time to just relax.  Yesterday my husband and I went on our little out and about.  We went to my favorite little thrift shop and Steven purchased me two sets of Amish fiction series.  I enjoy sitting down with a cup of hot coffee and a good book.  Despite all of the hardships going on right now, there are still so many blessings to be had.   I want to thank you for stopping by my little space.  God bless you.  Have a cozy week.  Hugs. ~Juli


  1. Juli, I am the same. You know that already! I too try to keep our home cozy and safe from the chaos of the world right now. I so often think of you, and am comforted that you are doing the same. Hugs!

  2. Lovely to find new reading material!!!!!!

    Gentle hugs...

  3. I bet you were so excited over your book finds! I would be for sure. Have a great week Juli! 💕
