Monday, October 5, 2020

Thoughts from my heart


Today I would like to share some things that have been on my heart.  I have been reflecting on my life and despite it's hardships what beautiful blessings that God has given to me.  Being a homemaker is truly where my passions lie.  I love making our little home a safe haven for my family and loved ones.  It is not a job that I even am paid to do, but it truly is a blessing to my soul and honestly there is nothing I would change in my choices to be a homemaker.  God calls each of us to play an important part in this tapestry of life.  Every day it is good to give Him thanks and dedicate our days to doing His will.  I struggle at times with worry and then I remember my mother telling me that worry is a tool of the devil.  We must trust in God's will for all areas of our lives.  On this Earthly journey we only can see the underside of a tapestry, with it's messy strings.  We must remember that God can see the complete picture and he loves each one of us so very deeply and only wants what is best.  His ways are not the ways of man because of his wisdom we must dedicate our days to Him and his will for our lives.  We should do our best and then trust in Him to take it from there.  So in these times where there is so much to worry about, let us be reminded that God is truly in control and as important as this life is, it is not everything.  It is but a drop of water in the vast ocean that is eternity.  That is just what is in my heart this morning.  Thank you for stopping by my little space.  Hugs to you.  ~Juli

1 comment:

  1. Yes yes! Please Lord help me to remember this. Thank you so much for your precious encouragement Juli!!
