Friday, May 21, 2021

~A Peek into Our Weeks

 We celebrated Lauren's graduation from high school.  She maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout her high school career and was one of the valedictorian's of her class.  She worked so very hard and was truly dedicated to her schooling.  I am so proud of how kind she is to everyone around her.  She is truly a gift from God to our family.

 Here is the class of 2021 throwing their hats in the air!!!

I had to snap a photo of Lauren and her friend walking out of the school for the last time.  

Here is Lauren and her boyfriend Victor.  We had a lunch and cake with just our family and one of Lauren's best friends.

We also celebrated Justin's promotion into high school.  He is growing into such a nice young man.  I just love him so very much.

Here is Father and Lauren.  Both of my girls were close with him.  He has been such a spiritual director to the children.  We have been blessed to have him as part of our lives.

I finished the second book in the love comes softly series.  My sweet cousin Teri recommended these to me, and I am just loving them so very much.  I have started on the third one now.
Here is Lauren in her favorite dance outfit.  

It has been a busy time for our little family, but a good busy.  I am looking forward to a summer spent with my wonderful family.  I am going to work with Lauren on cooking this summer, and I am very excited about this.  My heart just overflows with love  for my family.  I thank God that he allowed me the honor of being a wife and mother.  I thank you for taking time to visit my little space.  Hugs to you.  ~Juli

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