Saturday, November 20, 2021

 This evening I am sitting at my desk and just thinking about life.  I truly have felt the pull to slow down as much as possible and truly try to savoir the time with my family that I can.  Life can just get so hectic that I believe we must find and create our own peace.  There is always drama of one sort or another brewing in daily life.  I think it is up to us to really try to rise above all of that and learn to spend quiet times with our loved ones or even by ourselves.  I truly treasure time spent in my cozy little house reading or watching a YouTube video that I enjoy.  I enjoy going out and about sometimes, but lately I prefer staying at home reading a good book after eating a yummy home cooked meal.  I think as the winter approaches I find myself functioning at a slower pace and truly enjoying the cozy at home time that I am blessed to have.  I hope you all are doing well and that you can enjoy this cozy time of year and surpass all of the hectic moments that the holidays sometimes tend to bring about.  Thank you for stopping by my blog.  God bless and keep you in his loving care.  Hugs to you.  ~Juli


  1. God bless you, too, Juli. There is no place like home and we are so blessed to love our homes/environment.
    What you are doing is healing to all your person.
    Don’t know if this will post...most times it won’t. But, I enjoy your blog and we are kindred spirits :)

    1. Hi Mary. I’m so happy to have you visit my blog. The comments take a while to post because I have to add them when they come in. I hope that you have a cozy evening. Hugs to you. ~Juli

  2. Hi Juli! I miss reading your blog. It always keeps me so grounded. I have been thinking about you. How are you feeling? I am sending you big hugs from Texas. Happy Thanksgiving from Texas my friend. ♥

  3. Hi Breahn. I am still having some inflammation from having had Covid, but it is less often now so that is a blessing. Happy Thanksgiving to you! Hugs ~ Juli

  4. I agree so much. dont get me wrong I love visiting my stores like hobby Lobby, Home goods, our bookstores and thrifting but I was surprised to find that once we were able to go out a lot more, that I would but instead I love being cozy at home.
