Saturday, December 16, 2017

~A Peek Into Our Weeks~

Lauren and I made a Cherry Pie!
I've made more bath bombs. 
Megan and I went to A&W and had a root beer float!
One night for fun, our little family went to Target.  
Steven bought himself some freshly made caramel popcorn.  After I took this photo, he said, look closer at the picture.  LOL  He is something else!
Lauren considered some books, but decided not to get any of them.
Lauren got a kick out of how large this candy bar was.  LOL
Lauren took a snapchat filtered photo of her and I.  LOL
Lauren looked so cute in her candy cane shirt and Christmas hat!

Our family and two of Megan's good friends went to the Zoo's Christmas event.
Megan and her friends had their photo taken with Santa.  LOL
Justin likes to pretend to be tortured when his sister's love on him!
We enjoyed some hot coco and some nice family time together.
Then we all enjoyed a train ride complete with Christmas music.  (My kind of night.)

 They even had the tunnel all aglow with Christmas lights!
After the zoo, we drove around and looked at Christmas lights and listened to Christmas music on the radio.  Santa was at someones house, so the children went to see him and take a photo!!!

Here is the front of our little house, I keep our Christmas decor pretty simple.

I have little gingerbread men in our kitchen window.  We are making real gingerbread men this afternoon!!!  Yummy!

We went to Smith's Market to purchase Raw peanuts.  I am bringing home made peanut brittle to my parents home for our Christmas celebration this year.  I am so excited to get to be with my family at Christmas time.  It will be the first time in three years!!!  I just love and miss them so very much.

I love what an old fashioned feel that Smith's market has.

We were good and only purchased the peanuts that we came there to buy.
While we were down town, we saw a horse drawn carriage. 
Look at the gingerbread house of the Pioneer Women's mercantile shop.  My cousin and her husband went there for a visit, and said the food was yummy!
Here is Megan and her classmates at their band concert the other night.
Lauren performed in regular band and jazz band.  I love jazz, so I just really enjoyed the jazz band.
Justin even had a band concert yesterday afternoon that Steven and I went to watch.
That was a little peek into our weeks.  We are having a nice Christmas season.  I am keeping it pretty simple, but even so, each day holds something to make or do in preparation for Christmas.   I am very much looking forward to celebrating Christmas with my family this year!    Thank your for stopping by my little space.  Merry (almost) Christmas!!!

1 comment:

  1. I could linger here for hours, Juli...
    I love how you and your family spend time together and cherish each moment.
    And that pie????
    We have but one more week to enjoy the anticipation.
