Monday, April 9, 2018

~A Peek Into Our Weeks~

We went to Lawrence for a few days over spring break to visit my family.  Madison, Tricia, baby Reese and I all went to lunch and then shopping.  I had such a fun time!  I just love and miss them so very much.  They are such beautiful ladies, both inside and out!
Here is a photo of Megan and I at my parents home.
Here is Justin and I in one of my Mom's guest rooms.  Megan drew on the photo!
Megan bought herself a bath bomb and facial, and had a little spa time!
I enjoyed some relaxation at my parents home.  I love the room that Steven and I stay in, it is just like a little bed and breakfast.  
We went to Muncher's Bakery!  The girls always love the cheese cake!
Lauren was a happy camper!!!
My sister Lori hosted a wonderful lunch for my siblings and I, and our family's.
The next day Lori and Lilah met us in town for a little shopping fun!
I said bye bye to my little sweetheart Lilah.
My mom, my cousin Teri and I all had coffee at Mcdonalds.  Teri gave me some gifts.  Look how cute she wraps things!
After we enjoyed chatting and coffee, Teri and I went to Hobby Lobby.  We had such a nice time.  I just thought these little buttons were so very cute, so I snapped a photo.  Teri and I each got a magnet that says Bless this Nest, shaped like a mason jar to remember our little outing.
Steven brought our computer and worked a bit on our taxes while we were at my parents home.
The girls both made the dance team!!!
Megan went to a party to see one of her friends who had moved away, and was back in town.
Our friends Duane and Cathy were in the News Paper!!!
I've been busy as always!

I'm always cooking home made food.  I truly do love making home made food, it is such a blessing.
I worked on my memory planner the other day, I had been kind of neglecting it.
We went to the mall, and I found my happy place!!!
Justin got to eat at his favorite place, Fazollies!!!
This is a planner clip I ordered from Etsy, I thought the packing was so cute, so I snapped a photo.
I snapped a photo of my grandkitty Yoshi the other day.  I think he thinks he is a human.  LOL
Here are my new Pioneer Woman measuring cups that my cousin Teri gave to me, I love them so very much!
Here is my precious niece Emily.  She was working in Kansas City, so I didn't get to see her on my trip, but I'm loving keeping in touch with her via Snapchat!
I also did not get to see my wonderful niece Sarah, because she was out of town.  But there again, I am thankful for Snapchat!
I love this photo of my sister Tricia and her sweet grandbaby, Reese.

We went to an awards ceremony for Lauren's dance team from this year.  Lauren lettered!
The girls and I went to the park on a beautiful spring day.
We celebrated Easter Sunday!
I made a nice meal, and Tristyn and Kaylee came over for Easter dinner, along with two of Megan's friends.  It was nice to have us all together.
I did a little facial the other day, complete with my home made face cream.  I truly think it is important to spoil yourself as much as you do others.  Self care is so very important for us all to do.  
I have so very much enjoyed getting to see my loved ones.  They are so special to me, and I don't get to see them often.  Thank you for stopping by my little space.  I hope you all have a blessed week.  I have some deep cleaning to do this morning.  I don't love doing it, but I love how nice our little home is when it's complete.   Have a cozy day.  Hugs. ~Juli

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