Friday, February 22, 2019

~A Peek Into Our Week~

We had a snow day the other day in our little town.  It's so pretty, but I was very worried about all the people who had to drive in bad conditions.  Megan had to be on a school bus driving in white out conditions, so I did a great deal of praying.  
On our snow day, Lauren and I watched an old Veggie Tales movie, Madame Blueberry.  It is about having a happy heart of contentment, which is a subject I have been thinking a lot about lately.
Lauren used some of the money she has saved to purchase herself a few new clothing items from Target.
Here is a photo of my sweet little niece, Lilah the other day.  She is just such a darling little girl!
Speaking of darling girls, we watched a little girl named Morgan one morning.  She and Lauren had a lot of fun together.
We brought up the girl's doll houses from storage and Morgan and Lauren hosted a tea party for all the little stuffed animals.  It was so nice to be around a little one again.
Here I am waiting for Justin to come out of school.  I like to bring a book and read while I wait.
Today I am going to go downstairs and do my treadmill.  I haven't done it for a long while.  I am not wanting to go do it, but I know to be healthy, I should, so I will!  I also plan to cut back on sweets.  (That is going to be hard for me, as I really enjoy them.)  I often review my goals list and I am doing well in most all areas, except the exercise part.  I know once I start, I will have more energy, and most likely even loose a few pounds.  
I hope you all have a cozy weekend, and what ever goals you are trying to work on, I hope you have motivation to work on them as well.  Thanks so much for stopping by my little space.  Hugs to you!  ~Juli


  1. We have had so much snow here and two more storms on the horizon! Great.

  2. Hello Beautiful Friend!
    What fun you had with the little visitor!!!
    I know that if we lived closer, we would be good friends. : )
    Have a cozy weekend.
    I am planning on a cozy one here!

    1. I do wish we lived close m, oh what fun we would have! Hugs to you!

  3. It is so wonderful to be cozy inside when it’s so cold and snowy. How awesome you are doing your bike so often. I am hoping to do my treadmill a few times per week. I know I had a lot more energy back when I was doing my treadmill. Hugs & Love ~Juli
