Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Today I'd like to share some things that are on my heart.  Last Saturday I took Lauren to work.  She works at one of our towns nicest restaurants as a host.  When we were almost there, I noticed a lot of flashing lights at a near by store.  I wondered what was going on.  I found out the next day that a road rage type shooting had occurred.  That evening I prayed for Lauren's safety, as I was not sure of anything at that point except there had been a shooting.  Lauren was supposed to work until closing that evening, but instead she returned a couple of hours into her shift.  She told me that a man had thrown one of the large pagers at her head because he was upset that he had to wait so long for a table.  She ducked out of the way and it hit her long pony tail instead of her face. (Thank you Jesus!)  When she told me this with tears in her eyes, my heart just broke.  Why are people so horrible acting these days.  It just seems they throw tantrums as if they were two, but with a lot worse outcomes than that of a baby throwing a tantrum.  The next morning I woke up angry and it consumed my thoughts.  Then a while later, a peace came over me and I realized that I should not let how people act cause me to be bitter and angry, but instead that the world needs people to spread God's love and kindness more than ever.  Yesterday when I was praying, I prayed for the hearts of people to open to God's love and turn away from the me, me, me attitude of entitlement that so many seem to have these days.  This brings me back to my all time favorite quote by Gandhi,  "Be the change that you want to see in the world."  We each must start with our selves and teach our children to spread God's love and kindness in this fallen world.  I just wanted to share what was on my heart this week.  I thank you for stopping by my space and hope that you all are keeping cozy.  Hugs to you.  ~Juli


  1. Can you imagine having that kind of impatience and anger? What is wrong with people?

  2. Thank you for sharing that blog. Prayer is very much the answer and what our lost world needs so very much.

  3. What that man did was considered assault. He truly should have been charged. Hope your daughter is okay. That would have been frightening. So much anger and rage in our world.
