Wednesday, June 3, 2020

~A Peek Into Our Week

I've been enjoying burning Tuscany candles in our little home this past week.  They are from our local Kroger grocery store.  They are paraffin wax with two wicks and have a pretty nice scent throw.  
Here is my grandkitty Luna.  She is such a cutie pie.  I love her so very much.
I tried a cake pop from Starbucks.  I had heard how good they were for years, but figured they would simply taste like cake, boy was I wrong.  It was so moist and fudge like.  I just could not believe how yummy it was!
Saturday morning my husband and I put on our N95 face masks and went into Hobby Lobby.  We went when they first opened, so it was not busy.  It was just nice being able to be there once again. We leave our masks on our car's dash board and the sun disinfects them.  That was a tip my Mom told me about!
I purchased these organic lemons with my grocery order.  I am excited to use them to make fresh squeezed lemonade.   It will be a real treat!
My new Victoria Magazine came in the mail.  I enjoy getting cozy in my recliner with a warm drink and reading this sweet magazine.
These are my postcards from Laura Ingalls Wilder's home in Mansfield, Mo.  I treasure them.  I enjoy looking at them often.  She is someone that I truly look up to.  She was so wise and she lived a life of deep simplicity and was not opposed to working hard and caring for what she had.
I decorated my planner for summer.  I have had some trouble finding just how I wanted to arrange things, but I think I'm happy with this.
I awoke early this morning and did my devotional books.  Justin is awake, so I am going to make him a few scrambled eggs for breakfast.  
This week I have been feeling a little down.  I think it has a lot to do with all that is going on in our world.  I keep pinned to my heart, to keep my focus on Jesus.  Looking at him and not the storm helps my spirit so very much.  I hope you are all doing okay.  Thank you for taking the time to visit my little space.  God bless and hugs to you.  ~Juli


  1. What a doll Luna is! I love all of my kitties! I enjoyed my Victoria Magazine too this month. I so look forward to seeing it in the mailbox. I hope y’all are enjoying your summer so far. I’m ready for fall. Lol. Bye!!

  2. Hello! What a lovely post you shared today! It is always cozy and warm. Your planner looks perfect! I always struggle with mine in summer, because I am always thinking about fall! I love your mask idea!!!! Thank you. Have a cozy evening, my friend.
