Thursday, October 15, 2020

 I have been enjoying reading a lot lately.  Ever since my grandpa and grandma Smith bought me a set of The Little House on the Prairie books when I was in 3rd grade, I have enjoyed reading them.  It has been a while since I have read them, so I thought it was time to bring them out again.  I truly love these books about pioneer life so very many years ago.  It was a time when people had to work very hard for everything they had.  A time when people had less and truly valued and cared for their items.  It is a drastic contrast from society today that tends to be more disposable.  If a button falls off a shirt now days many people will simply buy a new one rather than mending it.  It was a time when people did not waste money as much as we do in today's times.  It was a time when there was not as many distractions and family's got to truly spend time together.  These books have truly taught me so very much in my life.  I strive to live a more simple, less disposable life largely due to their influence.  I just love Laura Ingalls Wilder's way of describing things, her words truly paint a picture.    If you have never read these wonderful books, I highly recommend them.  They are a treasure to the literary world and one that has truly blessed my life.  Thank you for stopping by my little space.  Hugs to you.  ~Juli

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you...I bought the paperback books in the '70's and now have the set in Hardcover...I want my grandson to have them for his children.....right now I am reading Farmer Boy.... and I am in my seventies!
