Wednesday, August 10, 2022

~A Peek Into Our Week

I made some candles last week.  They smell so cozy and put me in the spirit of Fall.    
I just love to organize and I have been organizing all my storage areas in our little house.  This is made for shoes, but since I only use two pair of shoes I like to use it to store my candle sticks and my no burn candle collection.  At the top I keep something so very dear to my heart.  It is the original set of Little House books that my grandpa and grandma Smith got me for my birthday, when they took me to Laura's house and museum when I was just a little girl.
Here is the closet that I keep my wardrobe in.  It includes my pajama collection.  I purchased all of those storage boxes at Michaels when we went to Branson.  I'm not yet sure what I will put in them, but in time I know it will be nice to have the option.  I love for everything to have a home.  To the left of this closet I have my skirts and my vintage luggage.  This may be strange to some, but I enjoy scenting my closet.  I use a rose perfume by Yardly of London.  I have loved scents since I was a young girl, and I guess not much has changed in that department.
This is a little woven basket that I keep by our recliner in the living room.  It just contains all of my little things that I enjoy using.  I have lotions and lip balm, rose water and strawberry body spray.  I have my readers and my hot flash fan, a brush, a vintage hankie and so on.  I enjoy having a little spot that I can have to house the things I like to use often.
This is a little journal that I use to keep my list of all of the things in my life that I am grateful for, I also have a list of wonderful childhood memories that have blessed my heart.  I like to read through it almost every day.  This really helps my heart to be grateful for all of my blessings that God has allowed in my life.  I list things like running water and lamps and my book collection and truly anything that is a gift to my life.  Nothing is too small to list, like my favorite pens.  If you have not tried this, may I suggest that you give it a try.

 My husband and I go down to our Christmas family room and watch I Love Lucy some evenings.  I really only watch shows that are wholesome. (Most of the time anyway.)  I am a firm believer in guarding my mind so that my spirit does not get too worldly and I can keep my focus on Jesus and caring for those He places in my life.  

I am so glad to be back to my little space after a nice technology break.  I like to do those every so often.  I hope you are all doing well.  I am ready for Fall to start.  I am longing for those beautiful fall days when the air is crisp and cool and all of the trees are beautiful colors of orange and yellow.  Thank you for taking your time to stop by my little space.  God bless and keep you in His loving care.  Hugs to you.  


  1. Your home is so cosey and welcoming. I have a vintage cupboard in the hallway that I store my candles in.
    I have a lot,not as many as you though!
    I am an avid reader but I have never read the little house series.
    I just purchased a very old copy of little house in the big woods for fifty cents at an estate sale,so I will read
    It soon.
    Thanks for the lovely post.

    1. Hi Savannah, I have been reading the little house books since I was in 3rd grade. I hope you will enjoy them too. Take care and have a cozy day. ~Juli

  2. How did you make those candles? The jars are super cute.

    1. I get the jars from Walmart. They are the 16 ounce smooth sided mason jars. I use soy wax flakes from Amazon and I measure out about 14 ounces of wax and melt it using a double boiler. I use wicks that adhere by using a little sticker and I purchase those from amazon. When the wax is melted I add about 3 tablespoons of my scented oil (which I purchase from Aztec) and then pour it slowly into my jar which I have sitting on a raised trivet. I use a wooden skewer to wrap the wick around before I add the wax to the jar. It truly is not hard to do, it just takes time. I hope I explained it so that if you want to try it you could do it. Hugs to you. ~Juli

    2. Also, I forgot to mention I purchase the lids on Amazon.

  3. Your Christmas room is beautiful, Juli. You are so good at making things cozy and lovely. I’m looking forward to Fall, too.
    Thank you for giving us a peek into your cozy home. I LOVE your pajamas closet - and that you scent your closets. When I was a little girl, I used to go into my mom’s closet and wrap myself in her dresses and smell her perfume. I also use rose water and vintage hankies and like to keep hand lotion close by. We are a lot alike!
    Blessings, Mary
