Tuesday, September 13, 2022

~ A Peek Into Our Week

My baby grandson Leo turned 5 months old.  Children are such a blessing and Leo has brought such love and happiness to our family.  Children truly are a gift from God.
I love my vintage shelves in my little kitchen when they are aglow with twinkle lights.  
I make a tiny pitcher of regular iced tea for my daughter Lauren to enjoy when she visits.  It seems that everyone in our family enjoys tea a little differently.  In addition to Lauren's tea we have sweet tea, diet tea, and diet peach tea.
In the fall I like to enjoy watching a little Gilmore girls.  
I have been enjoying a Pumpkin Pie candle and brewing myself a cup of lemon balm tea in the evening.  
Here is Hope, our kitty all cozy the other evening.  

 I am doing my best to enjoy some cozy times.  I truly adore the simple little things in this life that bring my heart and soul such a feeling of contentment when mixed with a heart of thankfulness to the Lord for allowing these little blessings in my life.  This helps carry me through times when they get hard.  One thing I must say about hard times, is that without walking through them, I would not enjoy and feel so blessed for these simple pleasures in life.  I awoke this morning thinking about the hat that the doctor who delivered my oldest son wore when she came to check on my progress.  It said Bloom where your planted.  No matter where we are in life if we make the best of things we can bloom and grow.  Counting your blessings instead of your hardships is a wonderful way to achieve this.  I thank you for taking time to stop by my little space.  I hope you take some time this fall for a little cozy!  Hugs to you.  ~Juli


  1. I too enjoy your blog.
    It's a peaceful, restful place.
    Your grandson is so adorable.

  2. Love the colors in your home. Especially the kitchen. Are the fairy lights battery operated or plug ins?

  3. What a beautiful way to look at life. I really enjoyed your heartfelt words about hardships and blessings. It's so true ♥ Also, a pumpkin pie candle and a cup of tea is right up my alley! As are the fairly lights on your kitchen shelf. So cozy and adorable!

  4. Hello, my friend. I always come away from here cozy, inspired, and content. Your grandson is absolutely precious! Have a cozy weekend, my dear friend.
