Wednesday, September 21, 2022

 Today I would like to share a thought that is on my heart.  I have been thinking about how are homes need to be safe havens to shelter our hearts and souls, perhaps now more than ever before.  I truly feel that making my little home a place of peace where family and friends and myself can find refuge from some of the harshness that seems to be in the world right now, is truly a necessity.  

 I just am so thankful to our Lord that he has allowed me to be the one who makes our little home simple and cozy.  I am not a minimalist by any means, but I do believe in keeping our little house uncluttered.  From the time my children were little, I taught them that if something does not have a home, it may not stay in our home.  This allows us to easily put away items each day to make our homes tidy.  Clutter happens when we don't have proper homes for our things.  An uncluttered home fosters that cozy relaxation that our spirits need.  

Another way we can live an uncluttered life is by cutting back on certain online activities that bring things into our lives that do not promote peace and genteelness to our souls.  I have had a Facebook account, but just have not wanted to go onto it due to some of the content that people post.  One of my friends temporary deactivated her account on Facebook for those same reasons.  I had been thinking of doing this for sometime and decided to do the same thing with my account.  Just this little act of really stream lining the things that I allow myself to view online gives my soul peace.  

I want to thank you for taking your time to stop by my little space.  May God keep you in His loving care.  Hugs to you.  ~Juli


  1. You are so right. I deleted my facebook account 2 years ago - and after the first couple of months - I was able to get so much done. I was happier. I have since, opened up another facebook account - I have no friends or followers - I follow local news and fire information and that is it.

  2. Yes to this beautiful post! I deactivated my FB account and never looked back. There is so much negativity! I also have enjoyed getting to form my own opinion about people and situations. I feel like reading other people's "Diary" isn't good for our minds. I'm on instagram, but I wonder if sometimes instagram makes me feel like I need to BUY things that I don't NEED. I don't want anything that does not encourage contentment, and Jesus Christ. It IS indeed getting scary "out there", but we are smart girls and know when and how to push out the negativity. I love you sweet Juli, you are a bright spot here! ♥
