Thursday, May 23, 2024

~A Peek Into Our Weeks

During Covid my daughter Lauren and Victor had a civil wedding.  Lauren and Victor wanted a church wedding, so last weekend we all were blessed to watch that dream become a reality.
Here is Lauren dancing with her dad, my wonderful husband Steven.  
Lauren and Victor were both so very happy. 
Here is a behind the scene photo of my daughter making the pretty bubbles.
Both Justin and Megan were in charge of this task and it was so neat to see all the beautiful bubbles. Later they let the little children have a turn with the bubble guns!
It was a blessing to see Victor and Lauren celebrate their wedding in a way that was dear to their hearts.  We had many family members in attendance that we do not see often, so getting to see our loved ones was also a blessing.
This is a mother's day gift from my son Justin.  I was reading one of my devotionals this morning and they had a quote from an unknown author that I want to share.  Some people complain that God put thorns on roses, while others praise Him for putting roses on the thorns.  We can choose to count our hardships, or we can choose to count our blessings.  The choice we make to focus on one or the other makes all the difference in our lives.  It is my prayer that you can count your blessings.
Thank you for taking your time to stop by my space.  God bless you and keep you in His loving care.  Hugs to you.  ~Juli


  1. Hello! What an absolutely beautiful bride your daughter is! And what a lovely couple they make. You have a beautiful family, my friend. And I know how much you love and appreciate them. Motherhood is a blessing!

  2. Lauren and Victor look beautiful💕 How wonderful your family and they got to celebrate their marriage together.
    Beautiful 💐 flowers from your son. I am struck with the truth of the quote about roses on thorns—Lord, help me remember always🙏🏻
    Blessings to you and yours, Juli
    Mary in OK
