Tuesday, May 28, 2024

~ A Thought On My Heart

 Today I would like to share a thought that is on my heart.  In today's world, it seems that no matter what we do, someone will find fault with it.  I have finally come to the conclusion for myself that all though I do not wish to upset anyone on purpose, I will not try to bend over backwards to keep someone from being offended by my faith in Jesus.  There are people in our lives that will find fault in us no matter what we do.  We will never please people, so therefore we should not waste our energy in trying to do so.  I believe that as long as we live our lives to serve our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, and try to do His will while we are on this Earth, then we are pleasing to Him, and truly that is all that matters.  This brings to mind a Bible verse.  Your hearts therefore shall be wholly devoted to the Lord our God. 1 Kings 8:61  As long as I have breath, I will spend my days worshiping Jesus, no matter how unpopular our society deems it to be.  As true followers of Jesus we should devote each of our days in doing His will and making Him our center.  So keep in mind when someone is unkind, never let that make us unkind.  The Bible says If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.              Romans 12:18  When we give our hurt to the Lord and turn to Him when we are hurting we strengthen our faith and our relationship with Jesus.  
This is just a little thought that is on my heart today.  Thank you for stopping by my blog.  May God keep you in His loving care.  Hugs to you .  ~Juli


  1. Amen! I believe these times are not for the faint- hearted. It’s time for spirit- led boldness that gives glory to our Savior!

  2. Yes, and we can expect those in darkness to hate the light…๐Ÿ˜ข Amen to your post, Juli. The Lord gave me this verse today from Isaiah 51:7-9: “…fear not the reproach of men nor their reviling…”. Thanks for the sweet reminder to take our hurts to the Lord so we don’t become bitter.
    Mary in OK
