Saturday, June 8, 2024

~A Peek Into Our Weeks

The other weekend my husband and I went on a little out and about.  Of course we had to stop by Hobby Lobby!  I just love all the cute decor they have to look at.
Here is a cute 4th of July display they had set up.  
Here is my grandson Leo with his uncle Tony.  Leo loves school buses and he got to go inside one the other day!  
Here are a couple of the books I am reading.  I always love to reread my Little House books, but I have decided to reread my Sugar Creek Amish Mystery books as well.
I have put out my no burn Yankee candle collection with summer candles front and center.  I do not have many shoes, so I use my shoe cubbies to store candle sticks and pouches and bits and bobs instead of shoes.  It always makes me happy to see this display.
I have been organizing my drawers.  This is where I keep my music CD's and some DVD's that I enjoy watching.
We switched from purchasing bottled water to using a filter and glass bottles instead.
This is my desk drawer.  
This is under our bathroom sink.  I like keeping our bath items on a vintage Avon trey.  I had one like this when I was a teen.
I found this vintage lamp at a thrift store for only a few dollars.  To make it safe my husband bought a little light kit for only $11 and installed it for me.  I just love the gentle glow it gives to our bathroom, especially in the evenings.

 I feel so blessed to have our cozy little house to shelter our spirits from some of the world's harshness.  We can choose to live how ever we please with in the walls of our homes, and that is such a blessing.  

I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by my little blog.  May God keep you in His loving care.  Hugs to you.  ~Juli


  1. We have such similar tastes, Juli! The books, the decor, the vintage Avon to surround ourselves with coziness, your pretty desk drawer goodies and the organizing….just love it all.
    Always makes me happy to look on your blog.
    I have the same vintage lamp, also purchased at a thrift store. Great idea to install a new light kit; I’m gonna ask my hubby to do that for me.
    The Lord bless you and keep you.
    Hugs, Mary

  2. Leo's a cutie pie!
    It's good your no longer buying bottled water.
    I read recently that they discovered our bodies are ingesting micro plastics from them.
    I stopped years ago. We we go out someplace I fill a large mason jar with our well water and ice.
    The well water tastes way better.
    I feel the same way about making my home a shelter from the outside world.

  3. Hello, my lovely friend! I absolutely your words about our homes being a shelter. Now more than ever, I feel the need to be safe within our own bubble. Your home is lovely, cozy, and such a respite for your loved ones. Have a cozy afternoon.

  4. Love that lamp!!! And sweet honesty? I loved that scent many moons ago😀
