Monday, June 24, 2024

~A Peek Into Our Weeks

The other day I made Justin some banana bread with cranberries.  I just love how wonderful it made our little house smell while it was baking.
A while ago, my husband Steven took me thrifting, and I saw some very neat things.  I love this figurine of mother Mary and baby Jesus.
This was so very cute that I had to snap a photo.  
My cousin Kim used to have a record player like this one.  We spent a lot of fun childhood times listening to music in her room.  Childhood memories are so dear to my heart.
Our kitty Hope thinks Megan's room is hers since Megan moved out.  
I had been wanting a powder set like I had as a child, but I could not find one.  I found this little dish while thrifting and purchased a powder puff on Amazon for just a few dollars and used my baby powder in the bottom.  
Here is a memorial of my husband's grandma.  She loved owls, so I thought it would be nice to have that little one by her picture.  Steven's mom got him the little heart picture of her.

 I hope that despite all of the worlds many storms that you can keep your focus on Jesus.  I heard it said that the enemy only needs us to take our focus off of Jesus to cause us to fall.  It brings to mind a Bible verse.  He is pruning and cleansing us now to make us more fruitful later.  I am the vine, you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. ~John 15:5

I hope that despite all the trouble going on in our world, we can keep our eyes focused on our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.  He is with us through all of the turmoil.  When I am dealing with sickness, or concern for one of my children, things can seem pretty dark at times.  However when I spend time in prayer and reading my Bible, Jesus restores my peace.  We are on this Earth but for a brief moment compared to eternity.  When we are true believers in Jesus, we have every reason to feel joy because we know that Heaven is in our future.  We are called to be points of light in a dark world and do His holy will while we are here.  So be of good cheer despite the circumstances going on around us.  Joy is not based on circumstances, it is a gift given to us from Jesus himself.  Happiness is based on circumstance and is fleeting.  I pray that you will spend time drawing close to Jesus during these hard times in our world.  

I want to thank you for taking the time to visit my blog.  I hope that you can have some cozy moments in your days this summer and will remember to always count your blessings instead of your hardships.  God bless you and keep you in His loving care.  Hugs to you.  ~Juli


  1. Hello, Juli! I just love spending time with you in your love, cozy home. I have never thought of cranberries in banana bread! Sounds delicious! Never stop writing, my friend!

  2. I agree with Billie Jo, I look forward to your posts. You have a beautiful heart and soul, and your writing expresses that. Thank you for starting my day with gratitude and a smile.....

  3. Lord bless you, Juli. Your love for and knowing Jesus are evident in your blog and your heart-thoughts. I get fed by the pretty pictures and coziness…
    I’m so grateful for the hope we have.
    I love your pretty crystal powder bowl and puff💕 I have an Avon elusive powder set on my dresser✨brings back happy memories.
    Your Mary and baby Jesus figurine is so pretty - I collect Mary figurines (are they called blessed novenas?) We have one out in the garden, too.
    Wow, aren’t prices high now even at thrift stores?! Still fun to go😊
    Hope your week is blessed~
    Mary in OK

  4. Good morning Julie.
    As always I enjoyed my visit to your peaceful home. Your bread reminds me that today is bread baking day!
    You are right about the storms raging
    all around us. I wake up at 3am
    full of worry about the state of things.
    But I take it to God.
    I am able to go back to sleep.
    He gives us respite from the world.
    Like you I enjoy being in my cosy home.
    The simple tasks baking bread, growing my gardens, cooking our meals.
    In these turbulent times our families need a warm,safe home.
    It doesn't need to be grand.
    It just needs to be a soft haven from all the insanity outside our front door.
