Thursday, October 17, 2024

 Today is a beautiful fall morning in our little town.  I have my windows open and the sound of the wind blowing through the trees along with the gentle sound of my wind-chimes is just music for my soul.  Fall is truly my favorite season.  It just evokes the feeling of cozy times spent enjoying my favorite things.  

As I sit at my little desk this morning my heart is full with thankfulness to the Lord for all the little blessings in my life.  I am a firm believer in counting my blessing and putting my focus on them instead of my many hardships.  When I do this I have the joy that Christ intends me to have in the mist of all the worlds storms.  
I am still having to rest and try to get my strength back after a fairly long bout with Covid.  Even when I am dealing with recovering from sickness there are still blessings to be had.  It causes me to slow down and have quiet time spent in prayer and reading my Bible and just drawing close to Jesus.  My heart has truly been transformed  since I gave my life to Christ and made him the center of my days each and every day.  

My sister Tricia and two of my nieces Madison and Sarah  and Madison's precious baby Elliot came for a little visit last weekend.  It was such a gift to get to truly spend time with them.  My family is so dear to my heart and I am so very thankful for them.  

I just thought I would share what is on my heart this morning.  I hope and pray that whatever you are walking through in your life today, that you are able to put Jesus in your center and receive the gift of His peace.  Thank you for stopping by my blog.  I hope that you can find some time for some cozy fall moments in your days.  God bless you and keep you in His care.  Hugs to you.  ~Juli

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