Saturday, August 18, 2018

~A Peek Into Our Week~

My parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.  I am so blessed to have been given them as parents.  They have shown to me such a good example of how to truly love one another.  I like the post I saw with an older couple who were asked what is the secret to your long marriage, and they said we are just two imperfect people who are not willing to give up on each other.  
I've been organizing my planners.  I even added photos of loved ones to my prayer journal.  I truly love using my planners to keep my life, and my family's life organized.
I love how cute my tea looks on the top of the little bread box, in which I keep my coffee.   It's kind of my little drink station.  I keep hot cocoa in the little tin to the left.
I love how it looks out my kitchen window right before it gets dark.
I've been burning my Better Homes and Gardens Sugar Berry candle.
I love this saying, "Collect Moments Not Things"  I could not believe it when I saw this little picture at Walmart the other week.

The children started back to school this week.

I moved my Laura Ingalls Wilder books and my Amish fiction books into my living room.  The book pictured above is written by our friend Duane's friend and former class mate.  He is from Yoder, Ks.
Lauren started her first day of work!  She is going to save money to use while she is in college.  I'm so very proud of her.
I love being able to keep in touch with my loved ones on Snapchat.  Here is my sister Tricia and my niece Madison.  I sure do miss them.
My cousin Teri sent me a website called, Life on Lemon Lane that I simply love!  She also has a YouTube channel by the same name.  I have been enjoying watching her videos.  She has one of a vintage Christmas home that is just so very cute.  I will put a link to it, in case you would like to view it.

I wanted to thank so many people who reached out to me with such kind words after my last post.  It touched my heart.  Our week has been busy, but nice.  Today my husband and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary.   I will include how we celebrated in my next blog.  I just am so very thankful for my simple life.  Even when life throws you a little curve ball every now and then, it is so very important to count your blessings and not dwell on the negative.  I heard on Faith Fridays on the YouTube Channel Life on Lemon Lane, the following:  God does not keep us from suffering but he walks beside those who are close to him, and helps us to get through it with his graces.  For this I am so very thankful.  Thanks for coming to visit my little space.  I hope you all are having a cozy weekend.  Hugs.  Juli


  1. Lovely post, sweet friend.
    Happy back to school to you all!
    Your home is so cozy, as is your space here.
    I always love my visit!

  2. Congratulations to your parents on 50 years.
    Your blog is truly beautiful. Contentment is so lacking in our world today. Thanks for sharing your life with us :).

  3. The kids are back in school. What are you going to do ?

    1. I will have more time on my hands. I plan to enjoy some of my hobbies that I haven't had time for in a while!

  4. Your home is so cozy and lovely. I love the tea canisters. I would love to know how you set up your prayer journal. I am new here. Do you have an older post?

    1. I actually have an older YouTube video all about how I have my prayer journal set up. Here is the link to it. You may have to copy and paste it onto your address bar to get it to work. Hugs. Juli
