Wednesday, August 29, 2018

~A Peek Into Our Week~

I know it is a bit early, but I could not resist but to put up our fall decorations.  Fall is my favorite season!
As always I have been doing my planners.  They keep me organized and just bring joy to my heart.
The girls preformed for the first time last Friday.  They all did such a good job!!!

Steven and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary just recently.  We went to our favorite place to eat, Carriage Crossing.  We only go once in a while, so it is such a treat.  I always get the fried chicken, baked beans and baked potato.   It is always amazingly delicious. 
After we ate, we browsed their little shop.  This children's tea set reminds me of one I had as a young girl.  Oh the sweet memories.
These little sachets smell so lovely.  My cousin Kim used to get these and keep them in her car, so I always think of her when I see them.
I just thought this little bear holding a cherry pie, was just so very cute!!!
I love what a cozy feel their displays give to me.  
Yoder is where I have purchased my lace doilies that I use in our little home.
I love the little canisters on display.  It is a good thing I have a small home, because other wise I might have been tempted to bring these home with me!
I thought of my grandma Kelly and my cousin Teri when I saw these little rooster salt and pepper shakers.  So very cute!
After we ate, we stopped by this little store and purchased some Colorado peaches and freshly picked pears to bring home for our family.  They were so yummy, and I enjoyed being in such an old fashioned little store.
   All is quiet in our little home right now.  I am melting some Zeep wax county fair, and it smells so very yummy. This week, I began to do a gratitude journal  This is where every other day or so, I simply write what I am thankful for.  I just added a section to one of my planners for this practice.  I really like doing it, as it helps me to count my blessings and have a heart of gratitude  for the gifts that God has provided for my family and I.  Thank you for stopping by my little space.  I hope you all have a nice rest of your week.  Hugs.  ~Juli 


  1. I love to shop in those stores but have to be careful not to buy as I have a full house as it is. Happy anniversary.

  2. Juli,
    I came from Billie Jo's blog and I am so glad I did. What a lovely and cozy spot to visit. That place you shared looks like such great place to eat. Have a super day.

  3. Happy anniversary to you and husband.
    My daughter put her fall stuff out but I’m going to wait a few weeks.
    I say just enjoy your decor, whenever 😄

  4. I love your fall decorations!!!!
    Happy Anniversary too, sweet friend.

  5. Happy Anniversary!! I remember those little ceramic tea sets too. I've seen a kitchen wreath with those glued on and it is so cute. We need to make us one of those for the memories. My daughter has her fall decor up, too. Ready or not, here it comes!!

  6. Teri, the little general store is where the bread shop used to be! It is on the street right before you get to the Carriage Crossing. Hugs.
