Tuesday, April 9, 2019

~Just a thought

I thought I would share what is on my heart this week.  I have been thinking about how important it is for me to choose what I say to people very carefully.  It is easy to just rattle off at the mouth, especially when we are speaking to someone we are very comfortable around.  Our words have the power to truly affect someone else, so we should choose them wisely.  One of the Bible Verses I keep to read over in my prayer journal is Ephesians 4:29 No rotten talk should come from your mouth, but only what is good for the building up of someone in need, in order to give grace to those who hear.  I know there are times we must say something to someone that is not easy to say, but especially in those times we should try and choose the least harsh way to say it.  Also, when someone lashes out at us in an unkind way, I truly believe we should rise above it and not lash out back to them, this only makes matters worse.  I think it is just best to set boundaries of distance with those people who bring negativity into our lives.  So I am going to be working on keeping my words as kind as I can and really considering how what I say may affect the person I am talking to either positively or negatively.  Thank you for stopping by my little space.  I hope you all have a cozy rest of your week.  Hugs. ~Juli


  1. I left a comment yesterday but for some reason a lot of my comments are not posting. This is so true!!! Great post. If you get my original post you can disregard this. :)

  2. So very true, my sweet friend.
    I am all about distancing myself from toxic people.
    They are just exhausting!
