Friday, May 10, 2019

~A Peek Into Our Week~

Here is Lauren with her good friend Josh the other evening. Lauren is such a sweet young lady, I am so blessed to be her Mommy.

I started book six in the Sugar Creek Amish Mysteries series.  
Here is my precious little niece Lilah.  She was going to grandma's house to sleep over with her little red suitcase I had gotten her for her birthday.  It says Going to grandma's house. My sister Lori sent me this photo and told me little Lilah said my suitcase is special because Aunt Juli got it for me.  That just warmed my heart so very much.  

The other morning when I was unloading the dish washer, I was just thinking how much joy it gives me to see all my dishes in their proper homes.  It truly is the little things that makes my heart happy.
I only like to drink soda every now and then, and only a small amount.  I love these tiny cans of Coke that I found, they are under 8 Ounces and the perfect size.  The little green cup used to belong to my great grandma Gruber, so it is very special to me.
I was listening to my Native Flute CD.  I got that CD in a gift shop on top of a mountain in Colorado about 22 years ago, and it still works!
I saw this quote this week and loved it.  It is so very true.  We all go through times that are tough, but it is so very important to know if we hold on, it will get better.  I like this so much because it is so very true, we don't always have to be happy to be positive, just be able to hold on through those hard times.  This is a message I always tell my children about their life.
This is what I am using for my phones lock screen.  Oh how I love Disney.  We had a very nice week.  Last weekend Steven and I went on a double date with our friends Duane and Cathy.  It always is so much fun to see them. This morning all is quiet in our little house.  I have a blueberry wax melt going in our living room.  I am working on getting our home tidy and clean.  Thank you for stopping by my space.  I hope you all have a nice weekend.  Happy Mother's Day.  Hugs to you.  ~Juli

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