Sunday, July 14, 2024

Here is my daughter Megan on her 21st birthday.  We had a family celebration at our home.  I love her so very much and it has been an honor to watch her grow up and grow in her love of Christ.  Truly being my children's mother is such a joy to my heart.
I am almost done reading Farmer Boy.  I love reading wholesome books about life when time was spent in a more real way, with simple pleasures and God centered days.
I like to keep a stock of the products that I use on hand.  This is a drawer where I keep these items.
I enjoy spending quiet time in prayer and just enjoying the peace of the Lord.  Now days quiet time is not something that many of us seek in our daily lives.  I truly believe that quiet time is essential for us and our spiritual and mental well being.

 We are living in a time where evil seems to be running wild.  It is so very important that we as Christians truly have a personal relationship with Jesus.  We must make Him the center of all of our life and pray throughout our day each and every day.  When we serve other's we should do it while keeping in the front of our minds, we are doing it for the Lord.  Our lives should be a living prayer.  Jesus is not to be put on a shelf and only thought of at church or when we need something.  He should be our everything.  When we truly belong to Him, our lives should be devoted to doing His will here on Earth.  We should not return evil with evil because that is the worlds way and true followers of the Lord should not act like those who are of this world, but rather live our lives in a way that is pleasing to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.  

I want to thank you for stopping by my blog.  May God keep you in His loving care.  Hugs to you.  ~Juli


  1. I wholeheartedly agree with you!
    Your daughter is very pretty.

  2. Amen! πŸ™πŸ»
    Megan is beautiful and looks like her mama. How wonderful she loves the Lord.
    Have you been peeking in my toiletries drawer?😁We like so many of the same things!
    I loved the pictures on your gallery wall in your previous postπŸ’•πŸ–Ό️πŸ’•
    I hope you’re feeling good.
