Wednesday, September 11, 2024

~A Peek Into Our Weeks

Here is my daughter Lauren and her husband Victor and sweet little Leo.(My grandson.)  Leo went to his best friend's Elle's 2nd birthday party.
Here is my precious daughter Megan.  She is such a blessing to my heart.  I miss her so very much but am thankful for our phone chats and the pictures she sends to me.
My son Justin got his first real job and he purchased himself a new computer desk and chair.
I have decorated my planner for fall. Fall is my favorite season, and though it is not yet officially fall, this morning I felt the first cool fall weather in our little town.  What a blessing!
My cousin Teri and I went to lunch and then went shopping at our favorite place, Hobby Lobby!  It was so wonderful to see her.
I purchased a few items from Hobby Lobby so that I could do a little Hot Cocoa bar this fall and winter in our home. 

I got this table cloth for Lauren from Hobby Lobby.  It looks like Fall in her little dinning room.

I enjoy having a cup of coffee while reading a good book once in a while.  Coffee is a blessing to me.

 This is a picture of my grandfather in World War Two.  I got the little blue truck on our Hobby Lobby trip.  My grandpa had a truck that looked just like this one.  It was vintage, but he kept it in amazing condition.  

I want to thank you for coming to my blog.  I hope that you can find some time this season for some cozy time doing what ever it is that makes your heart happy.  God bless you and keep you in His loving care.  Hugs to you.  ~Juli


  1. You have a beautiful family and a most cozy home. So happy you had a special day with Teri. What fun shopping at Hobby Lobby. I am in love with your hot cocoa display. What a perfect way to have everything at hand. I enjoy one cup of cocoa most every afternoon. Love the tablecloth you bought for your daughter; it matches your blue truck on your bookshelf. It's almost Friday. Hope you have a blessed weekend.

  2. I so enjoy your posts, Juli. Lord bless you and your family💕✨🙏🏻
    Mary B
