Sunday, September 29, 2024

~A Thought On My Heart

 Today I would like to share a thought that is on my heart.  In this life we all will experience hardships, no matter who we are.  Some hardships can rock our spirits to it's very core.  When this happens, we have to just hold on despite how hard each day may be. One thing I know is that when we hold on through these storms that may feel unbearable, things will get better even if it takes a long while.

We should never compare ourselves or our lives to other people's life.  Doing this in not constructive and will only cause us to suffer all the more.  Each of us are on a different journey in this life because God created all of us to be unique.  It is human to look at the things that people may share and feel as if our lives don't measure up, but please keep in mind what we see on social media and such is only a small part of people's true reality.  

So if today you are walking through one of this life's many storms, just hold on because it will pass.  (Even if it feels like it never will get better, it will)
The difference on my own personal journey now is that because I am saved and have given my life to the Lord Jesus, He is with me through all of those hardships and he restores my peace even in the mist of the storm itself.  If you don't have the gift of true faith and a personal relationship with Jesus, simply ask Him to give you this precious gift of faith and to save you.  When we ask this with a humble heart, (even if we don't believe) He will save you and transform your heat no matter how much we have sinned in our lives.  (He died for us when we were yet sinners)  
This life is but a vapor and eternity will come for all of us.  It is never too late while we still have breath to turn our lives to the Lord and ask Him to save us.  This is just what was on my heart this morning and I thought I would share this in case it may help someone.  Thank you for taking your time to come to my blog.  May God bless you and keep you in His loving care.  Hugs to you.  ~Juli

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